Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let April Begin

Critique: Shindig Department Pages

This week I’ve been working on second drafts of the Chris Nease feature, and designing the remaining three department pages and feature that I was assigned. Tova did a great job designing the templates. I think everything is looking even more cohesive, and our brand/personality really shines through. I can’t believe that it’s already getting down to the last few weeks before the magazine goes to the printer! We have a lot to do until then, but it's all coming 

together nicely. I’m excited to finish our second drafts later this week. Here is one department and a rough draft of my other feature I’ve designed so far.

Response: Letter Art & Inspiration
I really enjoyed creating the letter art for the spring break project. I’ve always wanted a professional one from Hallmark, and now I can just frame my own work. I decided that I’m going to create more and give as gifts. I’m starting to photograph letters so I can have a variety to pick from. I think this will be a fun hobby and craft for me to have. Taking a photo a day was fun too. I'd love to do it for an entire year, but I know it would be tough to keep up with. Doing it for a week was a good amount of time, especially because I had extra time on my hands. Here is the letter art I designed for class and my four favorite photos I took.


  1. 1. Your letter assignment does look like something frame-worthy.
    2. I am a sucker for bookshelves. Literally, I am obsessed. This looks like a fun create-your-own-style idea that I can really appreciate.
    3. Those marble magnets are fun. I have some that we made a few years ago for a craft night, they are so cute.

  2. I love how you did your typography assignment. I didn't even think to try doing it in black and white. I think black and white photos always give off a different mood, almost more sophisticated in some cases. I agree with Erica, this is frame-worthy.
